Travel Guide

4 Epic Travel Ideas To Try On Your Next Birthday

4 Epic Travel Ideas To Try On Your Next Birthday

Travel Ideas To Try On Your Next Birthday

Birthdays happen once a year and should be celebrated the best way possible. Traveling on your birthday is an example of ‘celebrating it the best way possible.’ To quote Ibn Battuta, a Moroccan scholar and traveler, ‘Traveling—it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.’ Traveling gives you that sense of awe about how beautiful a place is. It can also give you a sense of contentment and happiness.

Not everyone travels on their birthday though. Others may want to stay at home and celebrate with their close friends and family while others would rather eat outside so that they won’t have to worry about cleaning up after the event. Here are some ideas to consider if ever you wanted to celebrate your birthday through traveling:

1. Go On A Road Trip

If you haven’t tried going on a road trip, the perfect time to do so is on your next birthday. You get to explore the places along the way before you reach your destination. Before you go on a road trip, you first need to plan your itinerary. If you’re planning to go to Seattle, for instance, look for travel guides and recommendations about where to celebrate your birthday in Seattle.

If you’re planning to stay for a few days in your destination, make sure to book ahead of time. Unless you’re planning on sleeping in your car, hotels rooms may be unavailable at certain times and places. It’s better to secure a room ahead of schedule.

Next, prep your car. Most people have their share of road trip horror stories where their car refuses to start again or they encounter a mechanical failure in the middle of nowhere. You don’t want that to happen on your birthday. So, make sure your car is in perfect condition before you leave.

2. Experience The Culture

Another idea that you can try on your next birthday is to experience the culture of your destination. Traveling gives you the opportunity to experience and witness different cultures. Sometimes, you may experience a culture shock, but this will help you learn new skills and understand more about the world you live in.

One way of experiencing the local culture is to try out the local cuisine. Each place has its signature dishes. You can also visit museums as these places hold the memories and history of the place.

Staying with the locals is another great way of experiencing the culture. Compared to staying in a hotel, staying with a local allows you to witness how the locals live, learn what they like to do, and better understand their beliefs and traditions.

3. Cross Out That Bucket List

A bucket list is a list of activities you want to do, complete, or accomplish before a deadline. There are many types of bucket lists. Some lists are hobby-related, some are travel-related, while others are lists to accomplish throughout a lifetime. Some are even kept to celebrate on a specific milestone.

Have a bucket list is a great idea because it helps give you a sense of direction and concretely defines the life goals you want to accomplish. If you already have one, wouldn’t it be more epic if you cross one out on your birthday?

No list is big or small. Whether it’s staying in an expensive hotel you’ve been eyeing for a long time, eating in a buffet, going to a casino, or getting a tattoo somewhere in Southeast Asia—take your next birthday as the perfect opportunity to cross out that item on your list.

4. Blow Your Cake While Hiking

Man Standing On The Top Of The Hill

Wouldn’t it be nice to celebrate your birthday with a hike? Hiking is a great way to reduce stress, meet new friends, explore new places, and meet new friends. Of course, you need to have the right gear before going on a hike. Nobody likes to get injured while they’re hiking, let alone on their birthday.

What gear do you need? Proper footwear, a sturdy backpack, clothes, and ample food supply. Food is self-explanatory. Food is scarce out in the wild, so you need to bring more food that could last you during the hike. Proper footwear is needed not only to ensure your comfort during the hike, but also to protect your feet from the elements. You’ll need a sturdy backpack to store your supplies, while a change of clothes is necessary if need to change after the hike.

Final Words

Traveling can be fun and it can help you learn more about the place you’re going to visit. Aside from the ideas presented, there are other ways of celebrating an ‘epic birthday.’ As long as your plans can give you that sense of contentment and happiness, the world is your oyster.

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