Travel Guide

Pack Like A Professional Travel Blogger – A Guide For Aspiring Bloggers!

Pack Like A Professional Travel Blogger – A Guide For Aspiring Bloggers

Pack Like A Professional Travel Blogger

If you are a wanderer who loves to write no career can feel more right than becoming a full-time, professional travel blogger. The dream job can be extremely fulfilling yet challenging. After all, every journey unfolds a new story, every new place you’ll visit would bring you an extraordinary piece of life, and the pictures you take will influence people’s lives.

When we imagine a travel blogger’s lives or plan to become one, our minds procure scenic images of majestic snow-covered mountains, white-sand beaches, and lush green tropical forests, coupled with exotic local cuisines and lavish five-star hotel rooms. However, that is not the complete picture!

Why We Over-Pack?

Life as a travel blogger can be unpredictable. You would have to adapt to different climates, landscapes, cultures, and struggle with language barriers. Being prepared for every situation can be stressful, and fear of the unknown leads to overpacking.


This approach to packing is wrong, especially if you are a travel blogger. Carrying around unnecessary baggage can drain your energy. You want to deliver life to your audience through your photos and writings, but it will reflect your work if you do not feel enthusiastic and zealous. Professional travel bloggers know these struggles, and that’s why they pack strategically. This guide to backpacking will help you pack as an experienced travel blogger would.

Use a Backpack

There is nothing wrong with carrying your stuff in a trolley or a duffel bag, but a backpack adds a magical touch to your travel look. Invest in a high-quality backpack with a lot of space, and camera cubes for easy access to your gear. An additional advantage of a backpack is that it minimizes the chance of your stuff getting lost or stolen.

Wear Custom-Made

Travel is a highly competitive niche, and getting recognized is a real challenge. Create a catchy name for your blog and have your logo customized on your clothes. Buying a custom logo gaiter is an affordable way to promote your blog. You can easily order one online from a famous brand like 4inbandana and let it advertise your brand as you meet new people on your trips.

Pack for Comfort

As much as you would like to be a fashion diva, pack for utmost comfort, instead. When you are in a city exploring and absorbing rich culture and history, visiting local attractions, tasting famous delicacies, going hiking, or having a day out on a beach, you would want to feel comfortable above anything else.

Use Accessories

If possible, use accessories like bandanas, hats, and chunky necklaces to create a new look with the same clothes. This will benefit you pack less and have a lighter easy-to-carry-around backpack.

Tech Gadgets

Photography can convey what words cannot. Sometimes you can only share your feelings by describing the moment through your lens. This is why carry the right equipment that will help you capture incredible photos, create a fantastic blog post, and tell the story effectively even if you’re short of words.

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